Can we really be sustainable?
Sustainability is something most landscape designers must keep in consideration when designing any project. But can we really be sustainable in an urban landscape? Is “sustainability” the buzz word of our age? How can we actively practice the title we have been given (stewards of the land) when we are given projects with such small pre-determined planter areas. (Like most urban commercial projects are) It’s not like we can design permaculture landscapes in all of our projects or much less in an urban setting. One approach that we have come up with LEED certification. But does getting points for planting drought tolerant plants really enough to be called sustainable and make a difference? Ian Mcharg once said that “the place where man and nature are in closest harmony is in the city cemetery”. Part of me agrees with the sardonic humor of Ian but maybe we need to focus our practice into the larger vision and the challenge of adaptation rather than the preconceived ideas of sustainability. Anyone have any thoughts on this… please share
Dana Thomas